Thursday, December 24, 2020
Merry Christmas from Eternia!
action figures,
Beast Man,
Castle Grayskull,
Masters of the Universe,

Sunday, December 20, 2020
Hey!! Kids Comics: Power of Point Dread/Danger at Castle Grayskull
The Power of Point Dread!/Danger at Castle Grayskull! is a 1983 Masters of the Universe comic and audiobook. No author is credited; it was illustrated by Alfredo Alcala. In the first story, Skeletor tricks He-Man into leaving Castle Grayskull unprotected; in the second, Skeletor captures Teela and tricks his way into the castle.
The audio presentation, which includes voice acting, music, and sound effects, is pretty solid. Be advised, though, that in this pre-Filmation production, none of the characters sound like their cartoon counterparts.
Alcala's art is good, as always. He's using a distinctly different style from his runs on the mini-comics; it's perhaps more reminiscent of the first run, but it isn't quite as impressive as either of them.
The audio presentation, which includes voice acting, music, and sound effects, is pretty solid. Be advised, though, that in this pre-Filmation production, none of the characters sound like their cartoon counterparts.
Alcala's art is good, as always. He's using a distinctly different style from his runs on the mini-comics; it's perhaps more reminiscent of the first run, but it isn't quite as impressive as either of them.
action figures,
Beast Man,
comic books,
Masters of the Universe,
Point Dread,

Wednesday, December 16, 2020
Review: Castle Grayskull - Fortress of mystery and power (1982)
I recently repainted and restored my old Castle Grayskull Playset, but today I wanted to review the actual vintage playset...
Castle Grayskull was made as a playset for Mattel's Masters of the Universe toy line. It would become one of the most popular Christmas presents for pre-adolescent boys in the 1980s.
The price point was generally within reach of the parents of a child in the target age range for the toy line. The castle was also user-friendly, possessing many settings and functions suitable for the 5" action figures it was built to complement, as well as being small enough to be put away at the end of a play session.
Castle Grayskull was conceived as the central location for the battle between the forces of good and evil. The original playset was released in 1982, and all other depictions of the castle originate from it.
Castle Grayskull was made as a playset for Mattel's Masters of the Universe toy line. It would become one of the most popular Christmas presents for pre-adolescent boys in the 1980s.
The price point was generally within reach of the parents of a child in the target age range for the toy line. The castle was also user-friendly, possessing many settings and functions suitable for the 5" action figures it was built to complement, as well as being small enough to be put away at the end of a play session.
Castle Grayskull was conceived as the central location for the battle between the forces of good and evil. The original playset was released in 1982, and all other depictions of the castle originate from it.
Castle Grayskull,
Masters of the Universe,

Sunday, December 13, 2020
Review: Master of the Universe Coloring Book - The Bridal Path
Masters of the Universe: A Coloring Book
Year: 1982
Cover artist: Unknown
Writer: Unknown
Illustrator: Unknown
Colorist: Øyvind Johannes Meisfjord
Publisher: Golden Books
Production Code: #1144-11
Series: Golden Coloring & Activity Books
Øyvind Johannes Meisfjord joins us again today with a story which originally appeared in a Golden Books coloring book which featured three stories -- Raptures Of The Deep, Cloudy Climbs, along with this one, Bridal Path. All of the plot points of the original pre-filmation storyline are present, as well as the recurring theme of Skeletor wanting to make Teela his bride.
Year: 1982
Cover artist: Unknown
Writer: Unknown
Illustrator: Unknown
Colorist: Øyvind Johannes Meisfjord
Publisher: Golden Books
Production Code: #1144-11
Series: Golden Coloring & Activity Books
Øyvind Johannes Meisfjord joins us again today with a story which originally appeared in a Golden Books coloring book which featured three stories -- Raptures Of The Deep, Cloudy Climbs, along with this one, Bridal Path. All of the plot points of the original pre-filmation storyline are present, as well as the recurring theme of Skeletor wanting to make Teela his bride.
Beast Man,
coloring book,
Golden Books,
Masters of the Universe,

Wednesday, December 9, 2020
Review: Masters of the Universe Sticker Fun Coloring Book
Masters of the Universe Sticker Fun
Year: 1982
Cover artist: RL Allen
Writer: Unknown
Illustrator: Alfredo Alcala
Colorist: Øyvind Johannes Meisfjord
Publisher: Golden Books
Series: Golden Coloring & Activity Books
Today's adventure is a special treat originally presented in the Facebook group Ancient Library of Grayskull by Øyvind Johannes Meisfjord. The pages of the book were also hand colored by Mr. Meisfjord himself using coloring pencils! Mr. Meisfjord has kindly given permission for his post to be shared here.
Year: 1982
Cover artist: RL Allen
Writer: Unknown
Illustrator: Alfredo Alcala
Colorist: Øyvind Johannes Meisfjord
Publisher: Golden Books
Series: Golden Coloring & Activity Books
Today's adventure is a special treat originally presented in the Facebook group Ancient Library of Grayskull by Øyvind Johannes Meisfjord. The pages of the book were also hand colored by Mr. Meisfjord himself using coloring pencils! Mr. Meisfjord has kindly given permission for his post to be shared here.
Beast Man,
coloring book,
Golden Books,
Masters of the Universe,

Sunday, December 6, 2020
Review: Masters of the Universe Origins Evil-Lyn
The only female member of the Evil Warriors, Evil-Lyn is a witch who aids Skeletor as his second-in-command with her powers of evil magic. While more intelligent than Skeletor's other minions, she is not quite as powerful as Skeletor. Evil-Lyn can be quite treacherous and if given half a chance, she would seize power for herself. She readily admits to being on no side other then her own, occasionally working independently towards her own ends. Evil-Lyn has many magical powers at her disposal and carries a magical wand topped by a mystical blue crystal orb.
Evil-Lyn was originally introduced into the Masters of the Universe collection in 1983 in order to add a female character to the Evil Warriors. Billed as the 'Evil Warrior-Goddess,' Evil-Lyn's action figure is identical to Teela's except in color scheme, head mold, and accessories.
Although initially envisioned as an evil counterpart to Teela, she is actually more like an evil counterpart of the Sorceress. Evil-Lyn has little in the way of warrior skills, however she more than compensates for this with her expertise in magic and witchcraft.
Evil-Lyn was originally introduced into the Masters of the Universe collection in 1983 in order to add a female character to the Evil Warriors. Billed as the 'Evil Warrior-Goddess,' Evil-Lyn's action figure is identical to Teela's except in color scheme, head mold, and accessories.
Although initially envisioned as an evil counterpart to Teela, she is actually more like an evil counterpart of the Sorceress. Evil-Lyn has little in the way of warrior skills, however she more than compensates for this with her expertise in magic and witchcraft.
action figures,
Masters of the Universe,

Saturday, December 5, 2020
Custom Castle Grayskull Weapons Rack 2.0
action figures,
Masters of the Universe,

Friday, December 4, 2020
Special Adventure: Castle Grayskull Decorative Shields
When Skeletor made his first dramatic entrance into Castle Grayskull in the very first mini-comic, He-Man and The Power Sword, one of first things that caught my eye were those two shields hanging on the wall behind him!
What are those mysterious shields? Where did they come from? Who did they once belong too? What did they represent? They looked so dadgum cool, that I just knew my new repainted and refurbished Castle Grayskull playset had to have those shields too!
At first I thought I would end up having to recreate them myself, but during my reseach on the interwebs I ran across DJ Force's Weapons Forge on Shapeways! DJ Force offers 3d printed accessories for your favorite action figure toylines, from recent brands like Masters of the Universe Classics to vintage 80s brands like M.A.S.K. or Starcom." All the things you never even knew you were missing! He also runs a shop on TeePublic which offers t-shirts, hoodies, and stickers.!
What are those mysterious shields? Where did they come from? Who did they once belong too? What did they represent? They looked so dadgum cool, that I just knew my new repainted and refurbished Castle Grayskull playset had to have those shields too!
At first I thought I would end up having to recreate them myself, but during my reseach on the interwebs I ran across DJ Force's Weapons Forge on Shapeways! DJ Force offers 3d printed accessories for your favorite action figure toylines, from recent brands like Masters of the Universe Classics to vintage 80s brands like M.A.S.K. or Starcom." All the things you never even knew you were missing! He also runs a shop on TeePublic which offers t-shirts, hoodies, and stickers.!
Castle Grayskull,
Masters of the Universe,

Wednesday, December 2, 2020
Latest Eternian Toy Adventures...
I thought I would do a quick post to show everyone what I have up to lately...
With the release and recent acquisition of Mattel's latest Masters of the Universe Origins collection, I have rediscovered my love of He-Man and all things Eternia!
As you know the old vintage Castle Grayskull playset was repainted to go with the new figures. At first I thought I would stop there and leave the inside untouched, but it all started when I decided the interior of the jaw bridge had to be painted... Then it was the laser gun, that lead to the weapons rack... which in turn lead to the combat trainer!
With the release and recent acquisition of Mattel's latest Masters of the Universe Origins collection, I have rediscovered my love of He-Man and all things Eternia!
As you know the old vintage Castle Grayskull playset was repainted to go with the new figures. At first I thought I would stop there and leave the inside untouched, but it all started when I decided the interior of the jaw bridge had to be painted... Then it was the laser gun, that lead to the weapons rack... which in turn lead to the combat trainer!
Castle Grayskull,
Masters of the Universe,

Hey!! Kids Comics: Masters of the Universe Mini-Comics 4
Masters of the Universe Mini-Comics 4
Year: 1981
Cover artist: Alfredo Alcala
"The Vengence of Skeletor"
Writer: Donald F. Glut
Illustrator: Alfredo Alcala
Publisher: Mattel
Issue: Series 1 --- 4 of 4
Plot: The conclusion of the story featuring an all-out slugfest between He-Man, Stratos, and Teela against Skeletor, Beast Man, and Mer-Man!
action figures,
Beast Man,
comic books,
Masters of the Universe,

Sunday, November 29, 2020
Review: Masters of the Universe Origins Teela
Teela, heroic "warrior goddess," is a capable female fighter imbued with the spirits of great warriors long deceased. She roams the deserted landscapes of Eternia atop her unicorn charger.
Teela first met He-Man after she had been captured by Skeletor and Beast Man in order to become Skeletor's bride. She was taken to Castle Grayskull where she was later freed by He-Man and Man-At-Arms. The Spirit of Grayskull tasked her to be the guardian of the castle in a later adventure.
Teela was originally released in the later half of 1982 as part of the first wave of eight action figures of Mattel's Masters of the Universe collection and was the first female figure in the line.
The action figure was originally supposed to be two seperate characters, the Sorceress/Goddess and a female warrior, Teela. The two characters would later be combined into one figure as Mattel believed there would not be enough demand for two female action figures in the initial wave.
Teela first met He-Man after she had been captured by Skeletor and Beast Man in order to become Skeletor's bride. She was taken to Castle Grayskull where she was later freed by He-Man and Man-At-Arms. The Spirit of Grayskull tasked her to be the guardian of the castle in a later adventure.
Teela was originally released in the later half of 1982 as part of the first wave of eight action figures of Mattel's Masters of the Universe collection and was the first female figure in the line.
The action figure was originally supposed to be two seperate characters, the Sorceress/Goddess and a female warrior, Teela. The two characters would later be combined into one figure as Mattel believed there would not be enough demand for two female action figures in the initial wave.
action figures,
Masters of the Universe,

Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Castle Grayskull: Stygian Moat
A true legend among Masters of Universe fans, the original Stygian Moat was created by Mark Taylor for Castle Grayskull over 31 years ago! When he made the original prototype of the castle, Mark also designed a cardboard playmat to represent a moat. Unfortunately, in order to keep costs down, this playmat was never even considered for inclusion with the retail playset.
For years it was believed that Mark's original artwork had been lost forever, however a small black and white photocopy of the moat was recovered by The Power and Honor Foundation. An enlargement was made and Emiliano Santalucia re-colored it, using old reference photos in order to remain as true to the original as possible.
For years it was believed that Mark's original artwork had been lost forever, however a small black and white photocopy of the moat was recovered by The Power and Honor Foundation. An enlargement was made and Emiliano Santalucia re-colored it, using old reference photos in order to remain as true to the original as possible.
Castle Grayskull,
Masters of the Universe,

Saturday, November 21, 2020
Review: Masters of the Universe Origins Beast Man
Beast Man is an anthropoid ape-like being who hails from the Vine Jungles of Eternia where he is the leader of a tribe of other beast men. Only known as Beast Man, his true name if he even has one, remains a mystery.
In addition to his savage strength, Beast Man is the able to summon various wild creatures and command them to do his bidding. Beast Man is of relatively low intellegence and unlike Skeletor's other minions, such as Mer-Man, is completely sub-serviant to Skeletor, remaining his closest and most loyal henchman.
Beast Man was one of the first eight characters to be created for the Masters of the Universe toy line by Mattel in the early 1980s, and one of the first four figures to be completed and released (the other three being He-Man, Man-At-Arms and Skeletor).
Beast Man's first appearance is in the mini-comic He-Man and the Power Sword where he is depicted with red skin covered enitirely in red fur. In his next outing in Vengenge of Skeletor, he has become orange with only his armor colored red, matching the action figure.
In addition to his savage strength, Beast Man is the able to summon various wild creatures and command them to do his bidding. Beast Man is of relatively low intellegence and unlike Skeletor's other minions, such as Mer-Man, is completely sub-serviant to Skeletor, remaining his closest and most loyal henchman.
Beast Man was one of the first eight characters to be created for the Masters of the Universe toy line by Mattel in the early 1980s, and one of the first four figures to be completed and released (the other three being He-Man, Man-At-Arms and Skeletor).
Beast Man's first appearance is in the mini-comic He-Man and the Power Sword where he is depicted with red skin covered enitirely in red fur. In his next outing in Vengenge of Skeletor, he has become orange with only his armor colored red, matching the action figure.
action figures,
Beast Man,
Masters of the Universe,

Friday, November 20, 2020
Meanwhile at Skeletor's Crib...
action figures,
Beast Man,
Masters of the Universe,

Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Hey!! Kids Comics: Masters of the Universe Mini-Comics 3
Masters of the Universe Mini-Comics 3
Year: 1981
Cover artist: Alfredo Alcala
"Battle in the Clouds"
Writer: Donald F. Glut
Illustrator: Alfredo Alcala
Publisher: Mattel
Issue: Series 1 --- 3 of 4
Plot: Mer-Man finds out that that He-Man's super-suit and weapons are the sources of his great strength and powers. Desiring them for his own, he teams up with Skeletor to defeat He-Man and steal his powers and weapons.
action figures,
comic books,
Masters of the Universe,

Saturday, November 14, 2020
Review: Masters of the Universe Origins Man-At-Arms
At the very center of the Universe, at a dimensonal crossroads, lies the planet Eternia. Centuries ago Eternia was a paradise of high technology and wondrous magic. Its people flourished in splendor and peace reigned supreme.
That is until greedy forces from a dimension of evil found this spectacular land and craved it for themselves. This demonic invasion brought about the Great Wars. The aftermath of this centuries long battle of attrition left the planet in wastes and the inhabitants sank back to a barbaric age. The advanced technology and powerful sorcery of the ancients was lost, with what few artifacts there were remaining from that time viewed with suspicion and fear by the remanat population.
However, the ancient secrets of invention have not been entirely forgotten. There are those who have kept the knowlege of technology and weaponry, handing down this knowlege from generation to generation, guarding it judiciously, and only bringing it into play for the defense of Eternia.
The greatest warrior of each generation is entrusted with the secrets of forging machines, both technologial and mystical, and given the abilty to create both devices of war as well as those of peace. This highly skilled creator and master of all weapons is known only as the Man-At-Arms!
That is until greedy forces from a dimension of evil found this spectacular land and craved it for themselves. This demonic invasion brought about the Great Wars. The aftermath of this centuries long battle of attrition left the planet in wastes and the inhabitants sank back to a barbaric age. The advanced technology and powerful sorcery of the ancients was lost, with what few artifacts there were remaining from that time viewed with suspicion and fear by the remanat population.
However, the ancient secrets of invention have not been entirely forgotten. There are those who have kept the knowlege of technology and weaponry, handing down this knowlege from generation to generation, guarding it judiciously, and only bringing it into play for the defense of Eternia.
The greatest warrior of each generation is entrusted with the secrets of forging machines, both technologial and mystical, and given the abilty to create both devices of war as well as those of peace. This highly skilled creator and master of all weapons is known only as the Man-At-Arms!
action figures,
Masters of the Universe,

Wednesday, November 11, 2020
Hey!! Kids Comics: Masters of the Universe Mini-Comics 2
Masters of the Universe Mini-Comics 2
Year: 1981
Cover artist: Alfredo Alcala
"King of Castle Grayskull"
Writer: Donald F. Glut
Illustrator: Alfredo Alcala
Publisher: Mattel
Issue: Series 1 --- 2 of 4
Plot: Once again Skeletor finds his way into Castle Grayskull (this time by using the two halves of the magical Power Sword as a key) and a battle with He-Man inside the castle follows.
action figures,
Beast Man,
comic books,
Masters of the Universe,

Saturday, November 7, 2020
Vintage Castle Grayskull: Restored & Customized
Priced at $19.99, Castle Grayskull was released as the flagship playset of the original Masters of the Universe line in 1982 and was marketed as being "The Fortress of Mystery and Power for He-Man and his Foes."
Yes, you read that right. The castle, as originally envisioned, could be occupied by either side. It most certainly was not the good guys' clubhouse. Heck, even the original box art features an assault by the good guys on a castle controlled by Skeletor! Not the mention, Beast Man is over there helping the heroes...
Yes, you read that right. The castle, as originally envisioned, could be occupied by either side. It most certainly was not the good guys' clubhouse. Heck, even the original box art features an assault by the good guys on a castle controlled by Skeletor! Not the mention, Beast Man is over there helping the heroes...
80s flashback,
action figures,
Castle Grayskull,
Masters of the Universe,

Saturday, October 31, 2020
Review: Masters of the Universe Origins Skeletor
It's a thrilling time to be a Masters of the Universe® fan! For longtime fans and for a new generation of kids who love action and adventure, it's time to discover the thrilling action and adventures of He-Man, Skeletor, the secrets of Castle Grayskull and so much more!
The figures in this collection stand 5.5 inches tall and have 16 moveable joints so they're highly poseable for imaginative and action-oriented fun, Masters of the Universe® style! Longtime fans will appreciate both the vintage design details that honor the heritage of this beloved adventure franchise and the design updates that add an exciting look to the future. Each figure comes with a mini comic book that explores new story lines and introduces heroes, villains and allies in the timeless battle between good and evil! Aficionados will love the classically stylized retro-Packaging.
Keep an eye out for new characters to come, and curate a collection to play with and trade. Each figure sold separately, subject to availability. Colors and decorations may vary.
The figures in this collection stand 5.5 inches tall and have 16 moveable joints so they're highly poseable for imaginative and action-oriented fun, Masters of the Universe® style! Longtime fans will appreciate both the vintage design details that honor the heritage of this beloved adventure franchise and the design updates that add an exciting look to the future. Each figure comes with a mini comic book that explores new story lines and introduces heroes, villains and allies in the timeless battle between good and evil! Aficionados will love the classically stylized retro-Packaging.
Keep an eye out for new characters to come, and curate a collection to play with and trade. Each figure sold separately, subject to availability. Colors and decorations may vary.
action figures,
Masters of the Universe,

Sunday, October 25, 2020
Hey!! Kids Comics: Masters of the Universe Mini-Comics 1
Masters of the Universe Mini-Comics 1
Year: 1981
Cover artist: Alfredo Alcala
"He-Man and the Power Sword"
Writer: Donald F. Glut
Illustrator: Alfredo Alcala
Publisher: Mattel
Issue: Series 1 --- 1 of 4
Plot: He-Man leaves his tribe in the Eternian jungles on a quest to protect the fabled Castle Grayskull and has his first encounter with the evil Skeletor.
action figures,
Beast Man,
comic books,
Masters of the Universe,

Friday, October 23, 2020
Review: Masters of the Universe Origins He-Man
It's a thrilling time to be a Masters of the Universe® fan! For longtime fans and for a new generation of kids who love action and adventure, it's time to discover the thrilling action and adventures of He-Man, Skeletor, the secrets of Castle Grayskull and so much more!
The figures in this collection stand 5.5 inches tall and have 16 moveable joints so they're highly poseable for imaginative and action-oriented fun, Masters of the Universe® style! Longtime fans will appreciate both the vintage design details that honor the heritage of this beloved adventure franchise and the design updates that add an exciting look to the future. Each figure comes with a mini comic book that explores new story lines and introduces heroes, villains and allies in the timeless battle between good and evil! Aficionados will love the classically stylized retro-Packaging.
Keep an eye out for new characters to come, and curate a collection to play with and trade. Each figure sold separately, subject to availability. Colors and decorations may vary.
The figures in this collection stand 5.5 inches tall and have 16 moveable joints so they're highly poseable for imaginative and action-oriented fun, Masters of the Universe® style! Longtime fans will appreciate both the vintage design details that honor the heritage of this beloved adventure franchise and the design updates that add an exciting look to the future. Each figure comes with a mini comic book that explores new story lines and introduces heroes, villains and allies in the timeless battle between good and evil! Aficionados will love the classically stylized retro-Packaging.
Keep an eye out for new characters to come, and curate a collection to play with and trade. Each figure sold separately, subject to availability. Colors and decorations may vary.
action figures,
Masters of the Universe,

Sunday, October 18, 2020
Out and About: Wal-Mart -- Masters of the Unverse: Origins
action figures,
Masters of the Universe,
out and about,

Wednesday, October 7, 2020
Monogram Car-in-a-Bottle
Here's the old “ship-in-a-bottle” trick |
with a new twist...
Now you can build a “Car-in-a-Bottle” in just minutes with “Pop” art from Monogram. |
70s flashback,
Comic Ads,
Model Kits,

Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Hey!! Kids Comics: Batman 311 (1979)
Batman, Vol. 40, No. 311
Cover date: May 1979
Cover artists: José Luis García-López & Tatjana Wood
"Dr. Phosphorus Is Back!"
Writer: Steve Englehart
Penciller: Irv Novick
Inker: Frank McLaughlin
Colorist: Glynis Oliver
Letterer: Ben Oda
Editor: Paul Levitz
Executive Editor: Joe Orlando
Plot: Batman teams with Batgirl to take on Dr. Phosphorus, who threatens to "reign over all" in Gotham City.
70s flashback,
Bronze Age,
comic books,
DC Comics,

Monday, September 14, 2020
Hey!! Kids Comics: Shogun Warriors 1 (1979)
Shogun Warriors, Vol. 1, No. 1
Cover date: Feburary 1979
Cover artists: Herb Trimpe & Al Milgrom
Writer: Doug Moench
Penciller: Herb Trimpe
Inker: Dan Green
Colorist: Andy Yanchus
Letterer: Jim Novak
Editor: Allen Milgrom
Editor-in-Chief: Jim Shooter
Plot: Introducing the Guardians of World Freedom - the Shogun Warriors. Massive giant robots, forged by the technology of the future, and piloted by the bravest heroes the world has ever known. Raydeen battles the colossal might of Rok-Korr!
70s flashback,
Bronze Age,
comic books,
Giant Robots,
Japanese Robots,
Jumbo Machinders,
Marvel Comics,
Shogun Warriors,

Monday, September 7, 2020
ROM the Space Knight (Parker Bros. 1979)

Through the magic of advanced circuitry, Rom’s electronic features and accessories create striking effects in sound and light. Sparked by these innovations, a child’s imagination will soar.
Parker Brothers welcomes you to an age of microelectronic lights, sounds and excitement.
70s flashback,
action figures,
Giant Robots,
Parker Brothers,
ROM Spaceknight,

Hey!! Kids Comics: ROM Spaceknight 1 (1979)
ROM, Vol. 1, No. 1
Cover date: December 1979
Cover artists: Frank Miller & Joe Rubinstein
Writer: Bill Mantlo
Penciller: Sal Buscema
Inker: Sal Buscema
Colorist: Bob Sharen
Letterer: Tom Orzechowski
Editor: Jo Duffy
Editor-in-Chief: Jim Shooter
Plot: The brave Spaceknights of Galador defeated the evil sorcery and super-science of the Dire Wraiths, scattering them to the furthest reaches of the galaxy. For over two centuries, ROM, the greatest of these Spaceknights, has pursued the Dire Wraiths across the cosmos. Now this eternal struggle has spilled over to Earth as ROM has arrived in Clairton, a small West Virginia town.
70s flashback,
Bronze Age,
comic books,
Marvel Comics,
ROM Spaceknight,

Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Out and About: A Visit to the Comic Shop
Recently we got sick of being at home and decided to venture out again. What better place to go than Memphis' premier comics shop -- Comics and Collectibles!
Located at 4730 Poplar Ave, Ste 2 in Memphis, TN, Comics and Collectibles has been open in east Memphis for more than 20 years and has arguably the largest selection of comic books, graphic novels, role playing gear, and related toys in the Mid-South!
Comics and Collectibles also has a web presence with both a Facebook and a blog.
Located at 4730 Poplar Ave, Ste 2 in Memphis, TN, Comics and Collectibles has been open in east Memphis for more than 20 years and has arguably the largest selection of comic books, graphic novels, role playing gear, and related toys in the Mid-South!
Comics and Collectibles also has a web presence with both a Facebook and a blog.
comic shop,
out and about,
pop culture,

Friday, August 28, 2020
Hey!! Kids Comics: Superman 329 (1978)
Superman, Vol. 40, No. 329
Cover date: November 1978
Cover artists: Ross Andru and Dick Giordano
"I Have Met The Enemy... And He Is Me!"
Writer: Martin Pasko
Penciller: Curt Swan
Inker: Frank Chiaramonte
Colorist: Adrienne Roy
Letterer: Jean Simek
Editor: Julius Schwartz
Plot: Superman, while trying to figure out how to stop the Kryptonoid before it conquers the entire world, discovers a tragic secret about the creature that could give him just the break he needs in order to defeat it.
70s flashback,
Bronze Age,
Clark Kent,
comic books,
Curt Swan,
DC Comics,

Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Hey!! Kids Comics: Superman 328 (1978)
Superman, Vol. 40, No. 328
Cover date: October 1978
Cover artists: José Luis García-López and Dick Giordano
"Attack of the Kryptonoid"
Writer: Martin Pasko
Penciller: Curt Swan
Inker: Frank Chiaramonte
Colorsist: Adrienne Roy
Letterer: Ben Oda
Editor: Julius Schwartz
Plot: A commensal mico-organism from Krypton fuses with the body of a Superman robot and a one-armed general who blames Superman for the loss of his limb. The composite being, who calls himself the Kryptonoid, attacks Superman.
70s flashback,
Bronze Age,
Clark Kent,
comic books,
Curt Swan,
DC Comics,

Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Hey!! Kids Comics: Superman Annual 9 (1983)
DC comics released the Superman Annual No. 9 in 1983, the first annual for Superman published since 1964! This also the first Superman Annual to feature original content instead of reprints of older stories. With a cover, by Gil Kane, this issue has a feature story and back up story.
1. "Villain! Villain! Who's Got the Villain?"
2. "I Flew with Superman!"
1. "Villain! Villain! Who's Got the Villain?"
Written by Elliot S! Maggin, penciled by Alex Toth, inked by Terry Austin, colored by Tom Ziuko and lettered by Gaspar
2. "I Flew with Superman!"
Written, penciled and inked by Curt Swan, colored by Anthony Tollin, lettered by John Costanza, plotted by Cary Bates and copied by Elliot S! Maggin.
80s flashback,
Bronze Age,
comic books,
Curt Swan,
DC Comics,
Lex Luthor,

Tuesday, July 28, 2020
Super Powers: Batman's Wayne Foundation Playset

What a lot of folks may not know or remember is that in 1970s during the Bronze Age of comics Batman relocated his entire base of operations into the very heart of Gotham City!
After Dick (Robin) Grayson left for college at Hudson University, Batman decided he needed to be closer to the city to fight crime so as Bruce Wayne he became more involved in the day to day operations of the Wayne Foundation and moved from Stately Wayne Manor to the penthouse of the Wayne Foundation Building in downtown Gotham City. The Wayne Foundation is a charitable organization created in memory of Bruce's Father Dr. Thomas Wayne.
Bronze Age,
super powers,

Sunday, July 26, 2020
Super Powers Batcave Revisited
Today I decided to get the Batcave Command Center Playset out and set it up for a while... there are some minor changes from the last time though... A few of the decals were replaced with different decals and a mat for the floor was added.
I found a little metal tea set that I thought would be perfect for Alfred. Alfred is always bringing something like this down to the cave for Bruce and Dick!
The Penny, Joker Card, and Batcomputer can be found in papercraft templates gallery of my deviantArt page.
I found a little metal tea set that I thought would be perfect for Alfred. Alfred is always bringing something like this down to the cave for Bruce and Dick!
The Penny, Joker Card, and Batcomputer can be found in papercraft templates gallery of my deviantArt page.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020
Kenner Super Powers Golden Pharaoh
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Card design by http://polymerphelia.blogspot.com/ |

British archaeologist Ashley Halberstam was working on a dig in Giza, Egypt, when he was struck by a mystical bolt of energy that emanated from a lab run by the New Gods. The bolt transformed Halberstam into Golden Pharaoh conferring upon him the "Power of the Pyramids," as channeled through his magical pyramid staff. Virtuous and heroic by nature, Halberstam has joined the Super Powers Team and the New Gods in their eternal struggle against the evil machinations of Darkseid and the legions of Apokolips.
action figures,
DC Comics,
Golden Pharaoh,
super powers

Friday, July 10, 2020
Lastest updates (Ghostbusters & Super Powers)
So I have been kind of busy and I haven't had a chance to post anything for last few days, so I decided to put this out there...
I haven't finished the reviews of the Kenner Super Powers Collection 3rd wave figures because I am missing one! That one would be Golden Pharaoh! Have no fear though, I just bought one from a seller on a group that I am in. I am just waiting for it to get here, so expect that review along with all the pics and extra goodies you expect in a few days! This figure will actually complete the loose collection that I started a couple of years ago!
I haven't finished the reviews of the Kenner Super Powers Collection 3rd wave figures because I am missing one! That one would be Golden Pharaoh! Have no fear though, I just bought one from a seller on a group that I am in. I am just waiting for it to get here, so expect that review along with all the pics and extra goodies you expect in a few days! This figure will actually complete the loose collection that I started a couple of years ago!
action figures,
real ghostbusters,
super powers

Saturday, June 20, 2020
Kenner Super Powers Cyclotron
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Card design by http://polymerphelia.blogspot.com/ |

Cyclotron was an android built by Superman. He was then programmed with the knowledge of all the powers and weaknesses of every superhero and supervillain in order to be the Justice League's tactician.
He was created in the hopes that he would be able to anticipate the next moves a villain would make based on their prior tendencies. He could also recognize heroes unfamiliar to the rest of the League. However, Cyclotron was capable of little independent thought.
action figures,
DC Comics,
super powers

Kenner Super Powers Samurai
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Card design by http://polymerphelia.blogspot.com/ |

Seeking to create more super-heroes to help in the defense of New Genesis from the forces of Apokolips and Darkseid, the New Gods chose History Professor Toshio Eto. Bathed in a strange beam of light, Eto was granted the ability to manipulate wind.
By saying "Kaze no Yō ni Hayaku!" (Translation: Swift As The Wind!), he can fly by creating a small tornado around his lower body and can conjure powerful gusts from his hands that can knock back even large objects. Using his new found powers and wielding a blade of energy, Eto now fights against the forces of evil as the super hero, Samurai!
action figures,
DC Comics,
super powers,

Tuesday, June 16, 2020
Kenner Super Powers Mr. Freeze
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Card design by http://polymerphelia.blogspot.com/ |

Mr. Freeze is a rogue scientist whose design for an "ice gun" backfires when he inadvertently spills cryogenic chemicals on himself, resulting in him being unable to survive at temperatures above sub-zero. In order to survive outside, a special refrigeration suit was designed for himself. Combined with his suit, his strength and durability are augmented to superhuman levels!
Fueled by the desire to make the rest of the world as cold and miserable as he is, Mr. Freeze's crimes are planned around the specific theme of ice and cold, freezing areas around him, often including anyone who gets in his way. This includes not only those trying to stop him, but also any unfortunate bystanders that happen to be around as well!
action figures,
DC Comics,
Mr. Freeze,
super powers

Sunday, June 14, 2020
Kenner Super Powers Cyborg
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Card design by http://polymerphelia.blogspot.com/ |

While visiting his parents at S.T.A.R. Labs, Victor Stone witnessed an experiment conducted by his mother and father go horribly wrong! With Vic's mother dead, and much of Vic's own body destroyed, Vic's father Silas, crippled with guilt about what had happened, saved his nearly dead son by replacing Vic's damaged body parts with cybernetic replacements.. These replacements left most of his body, including half his face, encased in molybdenum steel. Cybernetic parts were grafted to Vic’s organs, and computerized synthetic nerve bases were attached to his spinal column. Upon recovery, Vic, horrified at what he had become, blamed his father for not allowing him to simply die. Unable to pursue his sports dreams and having lost most of his old friends, Vic lived a lonely existence until joining the Teen Titans. Now he has a new purpose in life, fighting crime as the super heroic Cyborg!
80s flashback,
action figures,
DC Comics,
super powers

Friday, June 12, 2020
RIP Dennis (Denny) O'Neil
Dennis “Denny” O’Neil, best known for writing and editing Batman comic books, died on June 11 of natural causes. He was 81.
O’Neil wrote “Batman,” “Detective Comics” and “Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight” in addition to serving as an editor for DC’s Batman-related comic books from 1986 until 2000. Along with editor Julius Schwartz and artist Neal Adams, O’Neil helped to bring Batman back to his original, more ominous persona after the 1960s “Batman” TV series had a campier take on the superhero.
Teaming up with artist Neal Adams, O’Neil also reinvigorated the characters of Green Arrow and Green Lantern by pairing them up as best friends and “hard-traveling heroes” who traversed the United States together righting wrongs while exploring complex issues of politics and social justice in the 1970s – one of the first comic book runs to tackle these issues in such a way.
O’Neil wrote “Batman,” “Detective Comics” and “Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight” in addition to serving as an editor for DC’s Batman-related comic books from 1986 until 2000. Along with editor Julius Schwartz and artist Neal Adams, O’Neil helped to bring Batman back to his original, more ominous persona after the 1960s “Batman” TV series had a campier take on the superhero.
Teaming up with artist Neal Adams, O’Neil also reinvigorated the characters of Green Arrow and Green Lantern by pairing them up as best friends and “hard-traveling heroes” who traversed the United States together righting wrongs while exploring complex issues of politics and social justice in the 1970s – one of the first comic book runs to tackle these issues in such a way.
DC Comics,
Green Arrow,
Green Lantern,

Sunday, June 7, 2020
Kenner Super Powers Shazam
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Card design by http://polymerphelia.blogspot.com/ |

Chosen for being pure of heart by the powerful wizard Shazam, young Billy Batson gains incredible powers whenever he speaks the wizard's name. Billy works as an idealistic news reporter for WHIZ radio, but whenever he speaks the name "SHAZAM" magical lighting transforms him into an adult champion for good, Captain Marvel. The powers he has been granted include S for the wisdom of Solomon, H for the strength of Hercules, A for the stamina of Atlas, Z for the power of Zeus, A for the courage of Achilles, and M for the speed of Mercury.
80s flashback,
action figures,
captain marvel,
DC Comics,
super powers

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