
Sea-Monkey FAQs

  1. What are Sea-Monkeys?

  2. What is the lifecycle of Sea-Monkeys?

  3. Can I feed the Sea-Monkeys fish food?

  4. What does it mean when the water starts getting cloudy?

  5. What should I do when the water evaporates?

  6. Do I need to add more water purifier when I add more water to the tank?

  7. Can I use tap water in the Sea-Monkey tanks?

  8. What do I do if all the Sea-Monkeys die and I want to bring them back to life?

  9. Can Sea-Monkeys withstand warm temperatures?

  10. Where can I buy more Sea-Monkey supplies?

  11. Is there a phone number I can call to order Sea-Monkey supplies?

  12. Does the Sea-Monkey supplier have an email address?

1. What are Sea-Monkeys?
Sea-Monkeys are a hybrid species of brine shrimp called Artemia nyos.

2. What is the lifecycle of Sea-Monkeys?
The Amazing Live Sea-Monkeys are GUARANTEED to live two years.

3. Can I feed the Sea-Monkeys fish food?
No. Sea-Monkeys must be fed their special Growth Food.

4. What does it mean when the water starts getting cloudy?
You are feeding the Sea-Monkeys too often or too much. Allow the water to become clear before feeding them again.

5. What should I do when the water evaporates?
When the water level in the tank has gone down one inch, refill with boiled tap water or bottled water.

6. Do I need to add more Water Purifier when I add more water to the tank?
No. The Water Purifier is a one-time formula; it only needs to be added when you start the system.

7. Can I use tap water in the Sea-Monkey tanks?
No. You can only use boiled tap water or bottled water.

8. What do I do if all of the Sea-Monkeys die and I want to bring them back to life?

  1. Allow all the water in the tank to evaporate (this may take several weeks)

  2. Add fresh bottled water and 1 package of water purifier

  3. Stir

  4. Wait a few days and you should see newly hatched baby Sea-Monkeys

9. Can Sea-Monkeys withstand warm temperatures?
They grow best in warm room temperatures above 70 degrees F.

10. Where can I buy more Sea-Monkeys supplies?
You can order Sea-Monkeys supplies from:

Transcience Corp.
P.O. Box 809
Bryans Road, MD 20616

11. Is there a phone number I can call to order Sea-Monkeys supplies?
No. The best and quickest way to place a Sea-Monkeys supplies order is by mail or fax to:

Transcience Corp.
P.O. Box 809
Bryans Road, MD 20616
Fax number: (301)375-9050

The Sea-Monkeys parts and supplies list can be found on Pages 26-29 in the Sea- Monkeys Handbook.

12. Does the Sea-Monkeys supplier have an email address?
Not at this time.