
Monday, December 21, 2015

Spearhead from Space

Today I made the Auton Plastic Factory from Spearhead from Space! I used Phil's plans from AftDownloads. BTW, AFTDownloads isn't closing after all. Thanks, Phil for making these sets for us.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Custom Season 19 Figures

Custom made Adric, Nyssa, and Tegan action figures have arrived!

New Custom Original Console

Its finally here!

Friday, November 13, 2015

AFT Downloads News

The sister site to Action Figure Theatre, AFT Downloads, where you can download the plans to the sets used to make playsets for your action figures, is closing. Fortunately the site will remain up for the time being so you can still download the sets that are available, there won’t be any new new sets added though. Bummer. Update: Since the time of original posting it it was learned that the site will continue! But there is a new TARDIS control room set for the 8th season available as a parting gift. I hope to get one built at some point. From WFTA, thanks to Phil for making these available to us and giving us many hours of pleasure downloading building and just plain playing. Here are some memories:

Monday, November 9, 2015

New Figures & Updated Sets

I updated a few of my set displays with new figures…

New 12th Doctor and Clara figures. I want to update the TARDIS control set to the 8th Season design soon. Lots of work though…

Friday, May 29, 2015

Doctor Who Figures Video Slide Show

This an update of the old video slide show but with new sets and set designs.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

20,000 Leagues Under The Sea Cabin Control Nemo Playset

This playset was produced by Mezco Toys waaaaaay back in 2001. It features an action figure of Captain Nemo from the Jules Vern classic novel along with all that is needed in order to construct a playset of the control cabin from the Nautilus submarine, including loads of accessories and set dressing!

Thursday, April 30, 2015

New Action Figure Theatre Sets

I recently acquired huge haul of Doctor Who action figures. This means building new sets for them! Of course all these sets are available from Phil at AFTDownloads.

Lets start with Tomb of the Cybermen:

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Robots of Death Scene Re-Creation

In the hall, D84 hears Leela but the Doctor does not seem to. D84 accidentally scares the Doctor by sneaking up behind him. D84 tries to tell the Doctor that he heard a cry. The Doctor keeps telling him that it was his startled yelp, not realizing it was Leela. D84 keeps repeating that he heard a cry over and over as he follows the Doctor through the halls.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Robots of Death Set

Sandminer Corridor set from the Doctor Who story Robots of Death by Action Figure Theatre Downloads. Download your own at

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Pyramids of Mars – Priory Storage Room Revisited

I recently was able to get hold of a Character Options/Underground Toys Fourth Doctor’s TARDIS. To display this I thought of the Priory Storage room from Pyramids of Mars. I had already constructed the set a while back, so all I had to do was dig it back out of storage. Here is the Fourth Doctor’s TARDIS in the spot it landed in the Pyramids of Mars.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Thursday, January 22, 2015

New Cadillacs & Dinosaurs DVD cover

I have returned to this one and created a brand new version from the ground up…

Friday, January 16, 2015

The Use and Misuse of Social Networks

Today I am going to rant about how social networks seem to be constantly abused and misused by people these days. First of all what is a social network, you may ask… Ok lets define it:
A social network as it related to computer science is a dedicated website or other application that enables users to communicate with each other by posting information, comments, messages, images, etc.
What I am going to discuss today occurs all day every day on Facebook, but I am not just picking on facebook it happens on all social networks!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Magic Show Performance

I had a chance to do a show for my co-workers during our yearly Christmas party. One of my co-workers videoed it with her phone, so I apologize for the quality or the recording. I am very critical of myself so it was very painful for me watch this but I have been told it is very entertaining, so am posting it for all to see. Enjoy!