
Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Building a Better Blog: Getting back to Basics

While this blog serves as a sort of personal blog for me, it is first and foremost a toy blog, showcasing my adventures with my collections of action figures, playsets, and models! After some amazing finds in the past few months, I have decided the time is ripe to share some new toy adventures.

In the past I've made the mistake of getting in too big of a hurry writing blog posts and dumping them all at once, causing sensory overload to any readers that I may have... Well, this time, I'm taking my time writing and editing. I'll be sharing my posts slowly from here on... I am already several posts ahead now and so far have them all set to post each Monday morning for the next few weeks, that way everyone has time to digest each post before the next one drops. And I won't waste several months of material in one day! So stay tuned each Monday morning for the latest in my new and exciting toy adventures!

I love interacting with my readers so I'm keeping my comment sections open and I try to answer all the comments I get. I also do occasionally check my email to see if a real person has sent me an email. Therefore, I don't respond as quickly to comments made from the contact page...

Got anything to say about the adventures so far this year? Questions about upcoming adventures? Anything else you'd like to say? Just use the comment section below!


  1. Looking forward to Monday!I don't think I've ever said that before.

    1. Lol! Its great to get back into the swing of things. I love having enough lead time to be able to write some really good articles to go with the toy pics.


Thank you for taking the time to leave your thoughts on this adventure.

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